Nikki Grasley-Boy

- Methodologist
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Biography —
Dr. Nicolette (Nikki) Grasley-Boy is an Assistant Research Professor at Juniper Gardens Children’s Project (JGCP). She earned her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Florida (UF), where she also completed a minor in Research Evaluation and Methodology. Her research interests include schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS), multi-tiered support for professional development (MTS-PD) for classroom management skills, and supporting students with and at-risk for emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD). Across these areas, Nikki aims to identify evidence-based practices and policies using advanced statistical methodologies and applied single-case research, with the goal of improving academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for all students, but particularly those with EBD. As an assistant research professor, Nikki applies advanced statistical methodologies in educational research through collaboration with other JGCP researchers and to her own lines of research.
Prior to her doctoral studies, Nikki served as a special education teacher in elementary and middle schools, as well as an alternative high school. Most recently, she worked as an educational consultant and SWPBIS coach serving public schools, alternative schools, and residential treatment facilities. Nikki is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). These experiences and her extensive pre-service behavior management training directly influenced her research interests and passion for helping teachers and students.